Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Dayizzle...

So how did I spend the most romantic day of the year? Ha!
At midnight I gave my hubby a jar of naughty coupons. He looked at them, hoped that we could use them, and then fell asleep. Yippee!
This morning my older son and I went to a birthday party. Then we came home, had lunch, went to Costco, had dinner, took baths (daddy with big boy, me with small boy) and everyone but me fell asleep.
Ahh...the romance.
I've found that since my youngest son (now 6 months) was born sex with the hubster is a little less regular. Add to that the fact that my hubster's mother has been living with us the last 5 months and the pickings have been even slimmer. Which is too bad because in the time bc (before children) we had quite a sex life. I just hope that as the little ones become bigger ones we'll be able to salvage some of that.
Anyhow...Happy vday everyone

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